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4BIO Capital announces strategic investment from Japanese pharmaceutical company Kyowa Kirin

LONDON & BOSTON – 4BIO Capital (“4BIO” or “the Group”), an international venture capital firm focused solely on the advanced therapies sector, announces that Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd. (“Kyowa Kirin”, TSE:4151), a leading Japan-based global specialty pharmaceutical company creating innovative medical solutions utilizing the latest biotechnology, has made a strategic investment in 4BIO’s Ventures II LP Fund. Kyowa Kirin is one of the largest pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in Japan with a global presence and is the first strategic pharmaceutical investor in 4BIO Ventures II. This is also the company’s first investment into a venture capital fund. The investment will provide Kyowa Kirin with access to the advanced therapies space across the UK, Europe and the US through 4BIO’s investment team, while Kyowa Kirin will provide 4BIO with access to its scientific and R&D teams to better inform its ongoing investment in the space. Kieran Mudryy, Partner at 4BIO Capital, said: “We welcome Kyowa Kirin’s investment in the 4BIO Ventures II fund as testament to Japanese interests in advanced therapies, and our ability to identify the most exciting developments in the area. We remain committed to the growing advanced therapies community in this region and are excited by growing our presence in Japan through this partnership.” Mr Philippe Fauchet OBE, Venture Partner at 4BIO Capital, added: “Japan has rooted itself as one of the leading countries in drug discovery and continues to be a prominent market for 4BIO. The country has one of the most advanced gene and cell therapy research centres in the world, which remains largely untouched by the venture capital community." Takeyoshi Yamashita, Ph.D, Executive Officer, Director of Corporate Strategy & Planning at Kyowa Kirin said: “4BIO’s Ventures II fund and its sole focus on advanced therapies gives us a fantastic opportunity to support early stage companies in what we believe is the fastest growing and most important field of medicine. We share 4BIO’s vision of ensuring sustainable access to potentially curative therapies for all patients and contributing to the health and well-being of people around the world. This investment underlines our shared ambition to do so.”


先端医療に特化する国際的なベンチャーキャピタルの4BIOキャピタル(4BIO Capital、本社ロンドン)は、最先端のバイオテクノロジー技術を用いて革新的な医療価値を創造する日本発のグローバル・スペシャリティファーマ、協和キリン株式会社(以下協和キリン、TSE:4151)が、「4BIOベンチャーズ II LP ファンド」(4BIO Ventures II LP Fund)に戦略的投資を行ったことをお知らせします。




協和キリンの執⾏役員 経営戦略企画部⻑、⼭下武美は次のように述べています。「『4BIOベンチャーIIファンド』と4BIOの先端治療に特化した戦略は、革新的な医薬品の分野で芽生えるスタートアップへの支援の機会を広げてくれるものです。協和キリンは、患者さんに病気の克服が期待できる治療を絶え間なく提供し、すべての人々の健康と豊かさに貢献をすることを目指すという、4BIOのビジョンに共感します。共有できる目標があるからこそ、今回の投資に至りました。」


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